Miasms :psoriasis , sycosis and syphilis.

           Miasms :psoriasis , sycosis and syphilis.

In homeopathy, miasms refer to underlying, chronic, inherited conditions or predispositions that affect an individual's overall health and susceptibility to disease. The concept of miasms is central to understanding how diseases manifest and recur in individuals, and they are seen as the root causes of many illnesses, both physical and mental.

What Are Miasms?

Miasms are thought to be inherited or passed down through generations, and they represent a deep-seated imbalance in the body's vital force (energy or life force). These imbalances create a predisposition to certain diseases, and can be triggered by environmental factors, emotional stress, or lifestyle choices. Homeopaths believe that healing the miasm can lead to long-term improvement in health and vitality.

The Four Classical Miasms:

1. Psora (The "Itch" or "Scabies" Miasm):

Psora is often considered the most fundamental or original miasm, representing a state of deficiency or imbalance that leads to chronic disease.

It is linked to conditions of deficiency in the body, such as allergies, skin disorders, and digestive issues.

People with a psoric constitution may experience a tendency toward chronic conditions like eczema, asthma, or hay fever. They may also have a predisposition to infections or conditions that involve itching or dryness.

2. Sycosis (The "Wart" or "Gonorrheal" Miasm):

Sycosis is thought to arise from suppressed or unresolved sexual issues, often associated with gonorrhea or other sexual diseases.

It can also refer to a condition of excess or overgrowth, leading to wart-like growths, polyps, fibroids, or conditions such as urinary issues and rheumatism.

Sycosis is also linked to fluid retention, gout, and obesity, as well as emotional issues like fear of loss or guilt.

3. Tubercular (The "Consumption" or "Pulmonary" Miasm):

This miasm is related to tuberculosis (often called "consumption") but also to a predisposition to lung conditions, weakness, and a tendency to collapse or exhaustion.

Individuals with a tubercular constitution tend to have a restless, active, and sometimes overworked personality. They may experience chronic respiratory issues, fatigue, and a desire for change or novelty.

This miasm may also manifest in emotional states like sadness, emotional fatigue, or a lack of stability.

4. Lues (The "Syphilitic" or "Venereal" Miasm):

Lues is associated with syphilis and represents a miasm of destruction or degeneration. It is linked to deep-seated physical and emotional states of decay, loss of vitality, and chronic, destructive diseases.

People with a syphilitic constitution may experience severe degeneration of tissues, ulcers, and chronic, painful conditions.

Emotionally, this miasm is often related to deep despair, mental degeneration, and self-destructive tendencies.

How Miasms Affect Health:

Miasms manifest not only in physical ailments but also in mental and emotional states. A person with a strong miasmic influence may experience recurrent or chronic health issues that have not been fully addressed by conventional medicine.

Each miasm can predispose individuals to particular types of illness or conditions. For example, someone with a psoric miasm may develop allergies or skin conditions, while a person with a syphilitic miasm may face severe, progressive illnesses.

Treatment of Miasms in Homeopathy:

Homeopaths aim to treat the underlying miasm, not just the symptoms. Curing the miasm can help the body heal and prevent the recurrence of chronic conditions.

Remedies are prescribed based on the individual’s constitutional type (physical, emotional, and mental characteristics) as well as the miasm affecting them. This approach is highly individualized.

Treatment Process:

1. Identifying the Miasm: A homeopath evaluates the person’s overall health history, symptoms, and tendencies to identify the primary miasm.

2. Selecting a Remedy: Homeopathic remedies are then chosen based on the miasm and the person’s constitution. For example, Sulphur, Thuja, Calcarea carbonica, or Tuberculinum may be used to address miasms.

3. Cleansing the Vital Force: By treating the miasm, the aim is to remove deep-seated blockages and restore balance to the body’s life force.

Modern View of Miasms:

Some homeopaths view miasms as more of an energetic or constitutional tendency rather than a direct cause of physical disease. They are considered predispositions or tendencies that might manifest in different forms depending on an individual’s life experiences, emotional health, and environment.


Miasms are an important concept in homeopathy, reflecting the root causes of chronic diseases and offering a deeper understanding of how inherited or suppressed conditions influence health. By addressing the underlying miasm, homeopathic treatment aims to bring balance and healing to the whole person, leading to both physical and emotional well-being. It is important to work with a skilled homeopath who can assess and guide treatment based on your individual constitution and health history.


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