
Showing posts with the label case presentation of acne vulgaris treated with homoeopathy

A case report of acne vulgaris treated with homoeopathy

A case report of acne vulgaris treated with homoeopathy Acne is a worldwide inflammatory skin disorder affecting the pilosebaceous follicles that is persistent and chronic. Over 85% of teenagers suffer from acne, and the condition can last until adulthood. The distinct lesions can be classified as either inflammatory (papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts) or non-inflammatory (open/black and closed/white comedones), which can result in scar formation and skin pigmentation and require long-term, consistent treatment. Lesions are usually found on the chest, upper back, neck, and face.  [1] The case study is of 20 years female diagnosed with acne vulgaris was successfully treated with homoeopathic medicine. INTRODUCTION A common skin ailment called acne is caused by clogged hair follicles beneath the skin’s surface. Lesions, commonly referred to as pimples or zits, appear when dead skin cells and sebum—an oil that helps prevent skin from drying out—clog pores. The breakouts mostly aff...